We are happy to announce the new web browser version of QTAKE Cloud Stream. The web-based stream from QTAKE Cloud features the same ultra-low latency, multi-camera support, frame-based metadata, and other features known from QTAKE Monitor. Web stream opens the first-class streaming experience to PC... Read more
QTAKE Monitor vs. web stream features
QTAKE Monitor, our free client-side app, is available on all Apple platforms: iOS, iPadOS, macOS and tvOS. With the introduction of the web stream, even non-Apple users can now monitor their projects on any device. 1. Requires a compatible web browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Opera). 2.... Read more
QTAKE 1.6 now available
Most of the new functionality is dedicated to streaming. QTAKE Stream was designed specifically for professional filmmakers and gained worldwide praise for its ultra-low latency, frame-based metadata support, and studio-grade security. We are taking it to a new level with some great new features... Read more
Planned Maintenance: QTAKE Rental Shop – June 20, 2021
Payment processing in the QTAKE Rental Shop will be unavailable on June 20, 2021 (Sunday) from 3:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. (UTC), which means customers won’t be able to complete paid orders. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience.
QTAKE – empowered by MulticoreWare’s x265
IN2CORE licenses MulticoreWare’s x265 in developing modules for the QTAKE software application. QTAKE was launched in 2009 & has become an industry-standard tool preferred by video assist professionals around the globe. x265 is a golden standard in HEVC encoding led by MulticoreWare and being... Read more