Most of the new functionality is dedicated to streaming. QTAKE Stream was designed specifically for professional filmmakers and gained worldwide praise for its ultra-low latency, frame-based metadata support, and studio-grade security. We are taking it to a new level with some great new features... Read more
FILTER: New Release
QTAKE 1.5.018 now available
Please update your installations. New in QTAKE 1.5.018 Network Bonding When working on a location with limited internet bandwidth, you can use QTAKE network bonding as a solution. Bonding multiple slow connections can create one fast connection, sufficient to handle bitrate of your outgoing... Read more
QTAKE 1.5.008 and QTAKE Server 2.1.1 now available
Please update your installations to QTAKE 1.5.008 and QTAKE Server 2.1.1. New in QTAKE 1.5.008 Added 4K streaming to QTAKE 4K Added QOD firmware updater Added remote control of cloud stream clients to MONITOR toolbar Added full-screen command to MONITOR toolbar Added force talkback support to cloud... Read more
QTAKE Monitor 4.2 for macOS and QTAKE Server 2.1 now available
The new version of QTAKE Monitor for macOS has been recently released, and today, we have officially released QTAKE Server 2.1 with its new licensing structure. Before digging into the information about the new releases, there is one important thing we would like to share with you: QTAKE Cloud... Read more
QTAKE Monitor feature availability chart
QTAKE Monitor, our free client-side monitoring app, is available on all Apple platforms: iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS. If you are in a situation to pick one from several or all of them, which one would you... Read more