The most convenient way to rent QTAKE is online!
Using the QTAKE Rental Shop you can rent any QTAKE configuration in a matter of minutes and pay for certain functionality only when you really need it. Minimum time span for the rental license is one day, maximum is six months.
One word: Flexibility
Whether you already own QTAKE and just need to add a module for a few days, or you got double-booked and need a license for your backup Mac, or maybe just want to show the amazing QTAKE Server to the producer… QTAKE Rental Shop will provide the license.
Everything starts by creating Owner Account that can manage QTAKE machines and dongles, make orders and purchase licenses. The Owner can invite Operators, who create wish lists and notify the Owner. QTAKE Rental Shop also comes handy when sub-renting a machine to someone else. It also works for freelance operators associated with multiple companies.
For more details, please read the instructions.
Visit the shop NOW!
It is comprehensive, yet easy to use. Better than a thousand words, visit the shop at:
The shop is run by the worldwide QTAKE distributor Cinetique.
Payment service provider is the respected company FastSpring.